Another film "The
Road to Timbuktu" followed a path
from Casablanca across the searing Sahara Desert to Timbuktu
on the African Ivory Coast.
Falzon's twelve part
"Festivals of
the World"
has sold to over eighty
He has also directed
two long version music videos
for Chris Blackwell
founder of Island records
and was DOP on "Women
of Spirit" a one hour television program filmed
in India, NY and London.
He has written a series
of children's programs
and has completed a
screenplay for a feature film,
tentatively titled
The Dreamtime.
He recently filmed
two surfing programs
and co-produced a one
hour program on Nicholas Roerich
a russian artist who
painted extroardinarly beautiful spiritual painting of
The Himalayas at the beginning of last century.
He is presently working
on three books.
Essence a pictorial
on flowers and exotic images from his world travels.
Surf Art a portfolio
on the work of ten world renowned surf photographers
and, Journey to The
Wesak Valley ,
a diary of his travels
to the sacred Wesak Valley,
near Mt.Kailas in Western
GLOBUS-The Meaning of Light
is a recently completed co-film venture with Jeff Hornbaker.